Gazebo's camera doesn't refresh [closed]
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get the video stream from the camera in the hector_quadrotor simulation (outdoor flight demo). As pr2_teleop is not available for ROS Hydro (my current distribution), I added some code in the "xbox_controller.launch" file in order to send Twist messages from keyboard inputs. Everything works fine and I can control the UAV. The problem is that in Rviz, the UAV moves as expected but the video stream from the camera still show the same image as if the UAV never takes of. When I display video stream from the topic "front_cam/camera/image" with the image_view package, the image never changes while the UAV moves.
Here, the UAV is on the floor:
And now, the UAV is flying but the camera still displays the same image (even if laser sensor data seem to follow the UAV moves as expected):
Can anyone tell me where could this problem come from? Rviz, Gazebo or my customized controller? Thanks in advance!