can't send image over network [closed]
I have 2 machines, a server and client.
config on server:
config on slave:
I have two executables, one for master one for client. Client jus reads an image, use cv_bridge and publishes it as "camera/image". Server subscribes to "camera/image" and displays it on a screen. If I run both (client = "image_publisher" and server executables) on a single machine, everything works. If I run client on a different machine, it doesn't.
I checked ping, netcap, everything seems to be fine... If I use rat_graph and run it on a single machine, image_publisher (client) appears as "/image_publisher". If I run it on two different machines, it doesn't work and image_publisher appears as "_image_publisher".
client runs fuerte and server runs groovy
what can be wrong???
Did you check rosnode ping?
On the system running the master and openni I only have: ROS_MASTER_URI set to http://localhost:11311 On the system running rqt I have: ROS_MASTER_URI set to NOTE - your IP would be different for master ROS_HOSTNAME= NOTE - this is IP of system running rqt I can get images ok. I did not set ROS_IP on either system. I am running hydro
hey, so I've made it working on my local network, however it doesn't work trough wifi... although I'm able to use netcat in either way, it seems to me, that some port is's quite weird as my port on master is opened, but I do not receive I need to unblock any port on slave?