I am having the same problem!
Did you find a solution.
When I run the Teleop Hyrdo downloaded from Playstore ,it works fine with no problem.
However, when I upload the android_tutorial_teleop to my android device, the robot is unresponsive.
When I make rostopic info on the cmd_vel topic, I found the following
rostopic info virtual_joystick/cmd_vel
Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
* /android/virtual_joystick ( )
Subscribers: None
There is no subsriber.
However, when I run the Telop Hydro downloaded from PlayStore, it shows the following
rostopic info /turtlebot/application/android/virtual_joystick/cmd_vel
Type: geometry_msgs/Twist
* /android/virtual_joystick ( )
* /mobile_base_nodelet_manager_turtlebot01_3181_5535754284978469755 ( )
The turtlebot is subscribed and responds to the command.
I really could find what is the issue with the code of the Tutorial found in android_core (hydro).
I hope to receive some help on this
It's not the missing ROS_IP/ROS_HOSTNAME problem?
It's not that, because the application connects to the master and successfully sends messages to the cmd_vel topic. Also it looks like it is subscribed to the other topics, but it doesn't receive the messages, just like if they are not published. Is there a firewall on the android phone I need to disable?
Not that I know of, but I haven't done alot of testing on different devices to be sure. Do recheck the ROS_IP settings though, if I remember correctly, publishing can be ok, but subscribing will fail.
Sounds like a one-way route. Have you tested pinging from master to subscriber and vice versa? It mostly is a "route add -net netmask gateway" problem.