How do I install sensor_msgs package?
Hi, all. I would like to use hokuyo_node in Gumstix with Ubuntu. To this end, I installed ROS on Gumstix by native build. The hokuyo_node needs 8 dependencies, so I downloaded sensor_msgs package which is one of the dependencies of hokuyo_node.
$ svn checkout $ rospack profile $ rosmake sensor_msgs
However, it shows "No makefile". So I created one dummy package using "roscreate-pkg" and copy Makefile to sensor_msgs from newly created dummy package.
However, it shows "no cmake_minimum_required" so I added following.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0)
Then, I do rosmake again, then it shows following.
Unknown CMake command "catkin_project"
Do you know why?
Note that, I installed ROS with very basics, so there is no sensor_msgs package in default.