ROS Android Apps: can't add a robot on Kindle Fire
Edit: Added better screenshot
Hello all,
Please forgive what I'm sure is a silly question, but it has me stumped.
I have a rooted Kindle Fire with the ROS apps from the Google Android Market installed. I started the app and it prompts me to add a robot. I typed in the IP address of the robot, but there's no "ok" button to click and no "enter" button showing on the keyboard (the "enter" key is context sensitive on the Fire and doesn't show up if it's not mapped to any action). The Fire doesn't have a camera, so I can't use the QR code option either. I don't have any other android devices available to figure out how the dialog is supposed to work.
Here's a screenshot
So, I can't figure out how to say "ok" and get the ROS app to add my robot. Any suggestions? I'm comfortable editing a file or something if that's what it takes.
Sorry for what seems like a silly question, but I'm stumped.
Thanks in advance, -Brian