How to run a newly created rqt plugin?
I am trying to create an plugin for rqt. So far I have followed the tutorial "rqt/Tutorials/Create your new rqt plugin" on the ROS wiki exactly, but when I type "rosrun rqt_mypkg rqt_mypkg" I get the following message:
Couldn't find executable named rqt_mypkg below /home/alan/catkin_ws/src/rqt_mypkg
Found the following, but they're either not files, or not executables:
I have no idea what is wrong. Please help.
I'm running groovy on Ubuntu 12.04 if that helps.
Have you set your script as executable? Try chmod +x /home/alan/catkin_ws/src/rqt_mypkg/src/rqt_mypkg
I tried this, but I received the message "chmod could not access" ...."No such file or directory". However, I did not notice this before, but if I run "rqt" the default rqt gui comes up. My plugin is listed under the Plugins tab. It throws a lot of errors when I click it though.
Ok, I have the plugin working if I just run "rqt" and open it from the plugins menu. "rosrun rqt_mypkg rqt_mypkg" still does not work.
@atland_t you can modify your post to paste the error you got.
Can you change the title of this question to "how to run a newly created rqt plugin". The Answer of "Wolf" is correct, so you can close this afterwards. I also updated the tutorial to avoid this issue.