Note that you might not necessarily be able to run any Groovy program on Hydro (Hydro program on Groovy) but assuming it does, you'd need to build it with your target installation sourced. To clarify, an example where your package is in the directory ~/catkin_workspace:
Every time you want to switch installations you'll need to do all of these:
- source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash or source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
- cd ~/catkin_workspace
- rm /devel -r
- rm /build -r
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- rosrun my_package do_cool_stuff
Note that you need to remove /devel and /build (actually probably just /devel, but I'm not sure about that one) because it contains references to the current installation, ie it is Groovy or Hydro specific.
Could you clarify your problem?
I was written my codes in groovy, now i install hydro but i can't run my codes now, i want to run my code on groovy but, by default ros run it on hydro... what's problem? How can i do?
Try to explain exactly what you are running, how, and what the errors are. If you do not give any detail, we cannot help you.
i want to run hector_slam on groovy but always ros run it on hydro.