Error "Client wants topic A to have B, but our version has C. Dropping connection."
In my custom application using custom message, publisher node show the following message only once on its running console when subscriber starts. Both nodes keep running but it seems nothing occur after that.
error msg:
[ERROR] [1319162712.616980036]: Client [/clientNodeA] wants topic /server_msgs/Swarm
to have datatype/md5sum [server_msgs/Swarm/6a727e7bfd7e4aadf9d23c4a779b268e],
but our version has [geometry_msgs/Point/4a842b65f413084dc2b10fb484ea7f17].
Dropping connection.
Content of the custom message (/server_msgs/Swarm):
uint32 clockValue
geometry_msgs/Point[] crowds
Publisher node's code .cpp (partial)
Running environment: Ubuntu 11.04, electric