amcl needs scan [closed]
These topics are publishing:
I run this:
rosrun amcl amcl scan:=scan use_map_topic:=true
But I face this warning:
No laser scan received (and thus no pose updates have been published) for 1388229263.472677 seconds. Verify that data is being published on the /scan topic.
And roswtf
output is:
Found 8 error(s).
ERROR Communication with [/amcl] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/rostopic_13107_1388229136740] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/rviz_1388228822447253961] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/rosout] raised an error:
ERROR Communication with [/play_1388229399051880189] raised an error:
ERROR Could not contact the following nodes:
* /rviz_1388228822447253961
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:
* /amcl->/rviz_1388228822447253961 (/tf)
* /play_1388229399051880189->/rviz_1388228822447253961 (/tf)
* /play_1388229399051880189->/rviz_1388228822447253961 (/scan)
* /amcl->/rostopic_13107_1388229136740 (/amcl_pose)
* /play_1388229399051880189->/amcl (/scan)
* /map_server_1388226536117600099->/rviz_1388228822447253961 (/map)
* /rostopic_13107_1388229136740->/rosout (/rosout)
* /play_1388229399051880189->/amcl (/tf)
* /amcl->/amcl (/tf)
* /rviz_1388228822447253961->/amcl (/initialpose)
* /rviz_1388228822447253961->/rosout (/rosout)
* /play_1388229399051880189->/rosout (/rosout)
* /amcl->/rosout (/rosout)
What's wrong?
What happens when you have your whole system running and then in a separate window run (without quotes): "rostopic echo scan"? I suspect you won't see anything, which either means nothing is publishing to \scan or your environmental variables are configured wrong. What do you have publishing scan?
@tim36272 It publishes data, valid data. I can view it in rviz.
Strange, how about "rostopic info scan"? And is this running on two separate computers over a network or all locally?
Type: sensor_msgs/LaserScan. They are all locally.
When playing from the bag, do you set use_sim_time and --clock? Ie before playing the bag you should run "rosparam set use_sim_time true" and then "rosbag play the_file.bag --clock"
I'll try it