p3dx not communicating perfectly with laptop
Hi, I am trying to do some work related to obstacle detection and avoidance using SICK laser scanner and p3dx robot. I was using the same 3 robots for the past one month. However, since the past two weeks the p3dx has stopped communicating with my laptop.
Once I run the command rosrun ROSARIA RosAria I get the following output:
Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
Syncing 0
Syncing 1
Syncing 2
Connected to robot.
Name: Purdue_2051
Type: Pioneer
Subtype: p3dx
ArConfig: Config version: 2.0
Loaded robot parameters from p3dx.p
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX batteries (if neccesary)...
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX sonar (if neccesary)...
[ INFO] [1387734063.988735382]: Setting TicksMM from ROS Parameter: 128
[ INFO] [1387734063.992513924]: Setting DriftFactor from ROS Parameter: 0
[ INFO] [1387734063.996264262]: Setting RevCount from ROS Parameter: 16570
[ INFO] [1387734064.020029650]: RosAria: publishing new recharge state -1.
[ INFO] [1387734064.020206305]: RosAria: publishing new motors state 0.
[ INFO] [1387734064.102186591]: RosAria: publishing new motors state 1.
Now, if I check for rostopic list, i get the following:
However, if I try to publish any of the topics with Rosaria, say
rostopic echo /RosAria/pose
nothing happens. Even if I try to publish velocity commands, nothing happens and the robot does not move. But the SICK laser works fine and I can perform all necessary actions of obstacle detection for the stationary robot using the sensor. Can anyone please suggest what could be going wrong? Is there anything that I am missing or anything that I can do to debug this issue? Thanks a lot in advance.
Are you connecting via WiFi to a host computer on the robot? I have seen a similar problem where hostfile entries do not match IP addresses.
there is no host computer on the robot...am using my laptop to run the robot through serial communication..
It just randomly started working. I do not know the reason but it behaves very abruptly. But for now, everything works fine. Thanks