Text to speech voices
I see this has been asked in the past but I have not seen an answer that works. Text to speech uses a very slow hard to understand voice. I followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.ph... and installed the enhanced Nitech HTS voices. I ran festival from the command line and can hear the new voices. i tried editing the festival usr/share/festival/festival.scm file and added (set! voice_default 'voice_nitech_us_rms_arctic_hts) but when I do that and then try to get it to speak form my python program I get no speech out whatsoever. If I comment out that line my python program works just with the nasty voice. I also added the festival.scm file to /etc (there was not one there) like mentioned in another answer but when I do that again my sound disappears. I also tried modifying voices.scm and changing KAL to don but that still does not help. I think I have tried everything mentioned here. Has anyone figured out how to fix this? I'm using diamondback on ubunto 10.10.