Changing Festival voice used by ROS.
I am trying to incorporate text-to-speech for speech production while teleoperating a PR2, and am attempting to change the default voice used by the 'sound_play' node. As per , I have added improved voices to festival on the robot, and used (set! voice_default 'voice_nitech_us_rms_arctic_hts) in the /etc/festival.scm file. When I run festival from the command line, the improved default voice is used. Additionally, I created a python script which makes essentially the same call that I believe the soundplay node is making : os.system('text2wave '+txtfilename+' -o '+wavfilename) [, l. 192], which converts the text in a sample file to a .wav file using the correct voice.
Since making the changes, the robot has been stopped/started, and other users have confirmed the improved voice. However, whenever I publish text for speech via the SoundRequest topic, or use the sound_play/, the resulting speech uses the original unchanged voice. I cannot see anywhere that ros sets the Festival voice to use, but may have missed something.
Any further direction would be most appreciated.