invalid message type
I try to use my own messages. I created msg file named RopEvent:
int32 value
string name
string comment
I can't publish message using rostopic pub. I try to proceed
rostopic pub rop_client rop_client/RopEvent 14 "Test" "Test"
But I receive an error
ERROR: invalid message type: rop_client/RopEvent.
If this is a valid message type, perhaps you need to type 'rosmake rop_client'
I type this, it makes package correctly, but message error still pops up. If I type rostopic list -v, I can see a string
* /rop_client [rop_client/RopEvent] 1 subscriber
'rosmsg list' shows me that my message exists, 'rosmsg show' finds message and shows it. What's wrong?
I have the same problem. 'rosmsg show package_name/Msgname' works fine 'rostopic pub /xyz package_name/Msgname' doesn't.
UPDATED: After I edited the package.yml and CMakeLists.txt to actually compile the messages, it worked fine.
And which commands were missed?
I think, these were the core changes and commands: in package.xml:
In CMakeLists.txt Commands from the catkin workspace: