rosjava "cmake" failed [closed]
Sorry for the newb question,
I am new to Rosjava and I am in the process of installing rosjava according to the source installation instructions @ . I am at the part where I am to run catkin_make but I am continually receiving the following error:
CMake Error at /home/viki/rosjava/devel/share/rosjava_build_tools/cmake/rosjava.cmake:20 (message): Could not find the gradle wrapper in this directory or below. Call Stack (most recent call first): /home/viki/rosjava/devel/share/rosjava_build_tools/cmake/rosjava.cmake:111 (find_gradle) rosjava_foo/CMakeLists.txt:14 (catkin_android_setup)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! Invoking "cmake" failed
Ros seems to be working fine, and my distrubution is set to "hydro" I have been stuck here and I would like to know what could I possibly do to get catkin_make functioning properly.
How did you create rosjava_foo? Are you trying to get a rosjava or android package working? Looks like there's some missing steps as no gradle wrapper has been made.
I'm having this problem too. Individual rosjava projects appear to build and run fine via calls to gradlew installApp, but catkin_make generates this error. Some poking suggest it thinks the src directory is a project in its own right. I'm running on MACOS so I've had to build from source.
It looks like it may be a problem with the CMakeLists.txt that rosjava puts in the src directory. It works fine if I catkin_init_workspace using catkin_make from the standard row distribution and only afterwards source setup.bash in my rosjava workspace.