UPDATE: This has been deprecated and is officially documented at: http://wiki.ros.org/Mirrors on the wiki.
A dump of the wiki and api can be found at http://www.ros.org/wiki_dump/
The files in here help to get the look right.
I setup a wiki-mirror at http://ros.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/roswiki/, but it is rather outdated. Will fix that next week.
The below script is what I use now. The previous version had a bug, always reusing the first download of the tarballs!
pushd /var/www/
echo Downloading Wiki-Dump
if wget -N <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki_dump/roswiki.tar.gz">http://www.ros.org/wiki_dump/roswiki.tar.gz</a>; then #-N triggers timestamping, i.e., only fetch if newer, then overwrite existing
rm -rf roswiki-old
mv roswiki roswiki-old
echo Extracting Wiki-Dump
pv roswiki.tar.gz|tar xz
echo Extracting Wiki-Theme
tar xzf rostheme.tgz -C roswiki
echo Downloading API-Dump
if wget -N <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki_dump/doc.tar.gz">http://www.ros.org/wiki_dump/doc.tar.gz</a>; then
echo Extracting API-Dump
pv doc.tar.gz|tar xz -C roswiki
It assumes your web root is /var/www and you want it in the subdirectory "roswiki". Also you need to have placed rostheme.tgz from the link above in /var/www
The pv pipes serve to show progress, which is nice to have for big file. pv is apt-gettable, but you can also coust omit it and give the file directly to tar, as done for rostheme.tgz