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In that step you are using rosdep to resolve dependencies for the packages which are in your src directory. One or more of those packages indirectly depend on:

libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libvtk5-dev libvtk5.8

All rosdep does it look at the declared dependencies, which are declared using rosdep keys, like vtk and translates them to one OS installer key. In the case of vtk that is libvtk5-dev for apt. See:

I can only guess that this apt package depends directly on libvtk5.8. This is probably a similar problem to why libav* packages are getting pulled in.

You do not have to resolve all of the dependencies from rosdep, it is simply a tool to help with that. If you know you have ffmpeg from source then you can just ignore rosdep and not install it. The from source build of ROS will continue and find your version of ffmpeg if it is on the appropriate PATH's.

You can use this command:

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro groovy --simulate

to see what rosdep would do and you can cherry pick out the apt-get calls which you want and run them manually. After that you can continue with the source installation normally.

In that step you are using rosdep to resolve dependencies for the packages which are in your src directory. One or more of those packages indirectly depend on:

libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libvtk5-dev libvtk5.8

All rosdep does it look at the declared dependencies, which are declared using rosdep keys, like vtk and translates them to one one or more OS installer key. key(s). In the case of vtk that is libvtk5-dev for apt. See:

I can only guess that this apt package depends directly on libvtk5.8. This is probably a similar problem to why libav* packages are getting pulled in.

You do not have to resolve all of the dependencies from rosdep, it is simply a tool to help with that. If you know you have ffmpeg from source then you can just ignore rosdep and not install it. The from source build of ROS will continue and find your version of ffmpeg if it is on the appropriate PATH's.

You can use this command:

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro groovy --simulate

to see what rosdep would do and you can cherry pick out the apt-get calls which you want and run them manually. After that you can continue with the source installation normally.