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initial version

I was able to use QtCreator by running through the catkin following steps:

  1. Since QtCreator needs its own working directory that I put in a place where you do not bother.
  2. In the "Build Settings"

    2.1. I set the following custom build settings "build steps"

    -command: catkin_make

    -Working directory: /home/myuser/catkin_ws

    -Command arguments: none

    2.2. I set the following custom clean settings "clean steps"

    -command: catkin_make clean

    -Working directory: /home/myuser/catkin_ws

    -Command arguments: none

  3. In the "Run Settings" menu I have replaced the "Run" default configuration with my custom:

    -Run configuration: MyCustomRunConfiguration

    -Executable: my_executable

    -Arguments: none

    -Working diretcory: /home/myuser/catkin_ws/devel/lib/my_executable

I know that is not a permanent solution but only a trick, also the folder created by QtCreator is never used. to now is the best I could do.