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It looks to me like it's trying to compile the "beginner_tutorials" package located in the default ROS install directories:
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> beginner_tutorials [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished <<< beginner_tutorials ROS_NOBUILD in package beginner_tutorials No Makefile in package beginner_tutorials
This could happen if you've named your test package the same as the built-in ROS package ("beginner_tutorials") and if rospack finds the default ROS package before your package.
Try running rospack find beginner_tutorials
to see which version is returned. You'd want this to point to your package, not the default ROS package. Make sure you've set the environment variable $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
to include your package directory (or a higher-level directory). And that this path is set before the default $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Typically this variable is set in your .bashrc file.
Alternatively, you could just rename your package to be something different than the built-in ROS package (e.g. my_beginner_tutorials