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Hi, Indeed pick & place (object_manipulation stack) is complex. You already managed to get your arm working in the warehouse_viewer which means you have kinematics and robot_description running.

What is complex is the whole setup (everything must be connected together). You may want to have a look at a diagram we created to understand the different parts of object_manipulation_stack Page 6 of this tutorial :

We also went for a rewrite of the wrapper (the thing commanding sub-functions to do pick and place) in our project. You can find an early version of our wrapper in the shadow sr-manipulation stack as well as launch files that startup a lot of things. It is not in a release state but you may find some ideas on how to proceed. Hope this helped.

Hi, Indeed pick & place (object_manipulation stack) is complex. You already managed to get your arm working in the warehouse_viewer which means you have kinematics and robot_description running.

What is complex is the whole setup (everything must be connected together). You may want to have a look at a diagram we created to understand the different parts of object_manipulation_stack Page 6 of this tutorial tutorial :

We also went for a rewrite of the wrapper (the thing commanding sub-functions to do pick and place) in our project. You can find an early version of our wrapper in the shadow sr-manipulation stack here as well as launch files that startup a lot of things. It is not in a release state but you may find some ideas on how to proceed. Hope this helped.