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GazeboRosProsilica plugin strives to provide ROS topic and service interfaces similar to those provided by the Prosilica Camera hardware on PR2.

And as trinighost mentioned, GazeboRosCamera and GazeboRosDepthCamera plugin provides ROS interfaces similar to those offered by wge100 camera. The only difference between the two is that GazeboRosCamera maps to Gazebo Camera Sensor, whereas GazeboRosDepthCamera maps to the Gazebo Depth Camera Sensor. GazeboRosDepthCamera is able to publish 3D pointcloud using the camera's z-buffer.

Recently, GazeboRosDepthCamera have evolved into (been duplicated by) GazeboRosOpenniKinect (replicating ROS interface offered by openni_camera), I am looking to retire one of the two in a way that hopefully will not break anyone depending on either one of these plugins.

Please let me know if this is the information you were looking for... I'd like to update the documentation on ros wiki with more detail, your input is very valuable, thanks!