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Your answer lies in the question itself, I think.

The default branch for robot_localization is ros2 (which is what is used for ROS Rolling). If you just clone the repo into a ROS 1 workspace and try to build it, it's not going to build. You need to clone, _then_ checkout the noetic-devel branch.

You can see a hint of this in the error you posted:

robot_localization: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [launch_testing_ament_cmake]

ament is a ROS 2 build tool.

Your answer lies in the question itself, I think.

The default branch for robot_localization is ros2 (which is what is used for ROS Rolling). If you just clone the repo into a ROS 1 workspace and try to build it, it's not going to build. You need to clone, _then_ then checkout the noetic-devel branch.

You can see a hint of this in the error you posted:

robot_localization: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [launch_testing_ament_cmake]

ament is a ROS 2 build tool.