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Does your model in the ur5_description package includes the gazebo plugin inside? The Gazebo plugin would bridge the simulation to ROS, and without it, you would not be able to control the UR5. You can take a look at the ros_control tutorial here under the Gazebo (Classic) Documentation.

(Not sure if you are using the universal_robot package, where there is a directory (ur_gazebo) on how they launch the arm in Gazebo.)

As for adding a camera in Gazebo, you would need to create another model of the camera & attach it to the UR5, there's a similar tutorial here.

Hope this helps.

Does your model in the ur5_description package includes the gazebo plugin inside? The Gazebo plugin would bridge the simulation to ROS, and without it, you would not be able to control the UR5. You can take a look at the ros_control tutorial here under the Gazebo (Classic) Documentation.

(Not sure if you are using the universal_robot package, where there is a directory (ur_gazebo) on how they launch ), which probably launches the UR5 arm in Gazebo.)gazebo. You can take a look at how it's done.)

As for adding a camera in Gazebo, you would need to create another model of the camera & attach it to the UR5, there's a similar tutorial here.

Hope this helps.