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Indigo has been EOL for many, many years.

Are you absolutely sure you need/want to use that old a ROS distribution?

Indigo has been EOL for many, many years.

Are you absolutely sure you need/want to use that old a ROS distribution?

On-topic: status_page/ros_indigo_default.html?q=ros_tutorials tells me the package is available, so the problem is most likely on your end.

Indigo has been EOL for many, many years.

Are you absolutely sure you need/want to use that old a ROS distribution?

On-topic: status_page/ros_indigo_default.html?q=ros_tutorials tells me the package is available, so the problem is most likely on your end.

One solution I read from a different post suggested upgrading the distribution

that's not really what that Q&A suggests. The OP there included the < and > in the name of the distribution and packages he tried to install. That cannot work. The answers there suggest to not include those.