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Did you make your file readable? I mean the python file .

Chmod +× (name of .py file )

Did you make your file readable? I mean the python file .

Chmod +× (name of .py file )

In the package you cloned you will have a .py file in the launch file

<launch> <node pkg="name of package" type="which is the .py " output="screen" <="" launch="" &gt;="" <="" p="">

You have to make the .py file executable from the src folder . Cd info the src and make the file readable

Did you make your file readable? I mean the python file .

Chmod +× (name of .py file )

In the package you cloned you will have a .py file in the launch file

<launch> <node pkg="name of package" type="which is the .py " output="screen" <="" launch="" &gt;="" <="" p="">

You have to make the .py file executable from the src folder . Cd info the src and make the file readable

Did you make your file readable? I mean the python file .

Chmod +× (name of .py file )

In the package you cloned you will have a .py file in the launch file

<launch> <node pkg="name of package" type="which is the .py " output="screen" <="" launch="" &gt;="" <="" p=""> output="screen"/> </launch>

You have to make the .py file executable from the src folder . Cd info the src and make the file readable

Did you make your file readable? I mean the python file .

Chmod +× (name of .py file )

In the package you cloned you will have a .py file in the launch file

<launch> <node pkg="name of package" type="which is the .py " output="screen"/> </launch>

You have to make the .py file executable from the src folder . Cd info into the src and make the file readable