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The key message in the error is this:

  catkin_python_setup() called without '' in project folder ' /home/rosjunu/catkin_ws/src/my_first_ros_pkg'

In your CMakeLists.txt file, just below the find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) you have a call to catkin_python_setup(). This macro is designed to process files for ROS packages that also provide Python modules or scripts. See the relevant documentation.

Bottom line:

  • If your package _does_ provide a Python module then you need to write an appropriate
  • If your package _does not_ provide a Python module then you should remove the call to catkin_python_setup() from your CMakeLists.txt

The key message in the error is this:

  catkin_python_setup() called without '' in project folder ' /home/rosjunu/catkin_ws/src/my_first_ros_pkg'

In your CMakeLists.txt file, just below the find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) you have a call to catkin_python_setup(). This macro is designed to process files for ROS packages that also provide Python modules or scripts. See the relevant documentation.

Bottom line:

  • If your package _does_ does provide a Python module then you need to write an appropriate
  • If your package _does not_ does not provide a Python module then you should remove the call to catkin_python_setup() from your CMakeLists.txt