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Hi @muronglindong

Based on the title of your question your issue is with Gazebo 11 simulation. There is a discussion in Discourse:

One of the suggestions by @chapulina

The RTF measures the physics update rate, but that may not be the same update rate as the sensors. You can use the new Lockstep of physics and sensors 8 feature to ensure that sensors and physics run in sync, which will essentially slow down physics.

This point to two great tutorials: and

This is just a gist of the discussion, so I suggest to read over it and perhaps you will get more feedback in the

Hi @muronglindong

Based on the title of your question your issue is specific with Gazebo 11 simulation. simulation with ROS 2. There is a discussion in Discourse: Discourse:

One of the suggestions by @chapulina

The RTF measures the physics update rate, but that may not be the same update rate as the sensors. You can use the new Lockstep of physics and sensors 8 feature to ensure that sensors and physics run in sync, which will essentially slow down physics.

This point to two great tutorials: and

This is just a gist of the discussion, so I suggest to read over it and perhaps you will get more feedback in the