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It's a bit too late to answer this question, but i'll write it to be a guide for others who may have same problem.

Planar move plugin won't drive your robot until you command it to. if you type rostopic list in your terminal, you probably see a list of all topics that are running, one of which is /[robot_ns]/cmd_vel or whatever you assigned to be the velocity command topic to be (you can assign the name of velocity command topic to be whatever you want in URDF file, under corresponding gazebo/plugin tag). you can move your robot by manually publishing a twist type message through cmd_vel topic like this:

rostopic pub /[robot_ns]/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear:
  x: 0.1 
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0"

remember to replace [robot_ns] with your robot namespace. it's just a basic and simple example of how planar move plugin works. you can connect the velocity command topic to any package that commands velocity with twist type messages.