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Ok, i guess i found the answer. By updating to the following values solved the issue:

acc_lim_theta: 1.0
max_vel_theta: 1.0
min_vel_theta: 0.0
vth_samples: 50

I guess, after enlarging the range of acceleration and angular velocity, the dwa planner was able to choose better from the increased availability of samples. There is no sudden deflection from the main path howsoever

Ok, i guess i found the answer. By updating to the following values solved the issue:

acc_lim_theta: 1.0
max_vel_theta: 1.0
min_vel_theta: 0.0
vth_samples: 50

I guess, after enlarging the range of angular acceleration and angular velocity, the dwa planner was able to choose better from the increased availability of samples. There is no sudden deflection from the main path howsoever