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What imu_filter_madgwick does is to integrate the angular velocities, linear accelerations and magnetometer readings. Your robot_localization config file takes into account angular velocities and linear accel from the imu, so you are double counting them. Try setting imu angular vel and linear accel to false. Also, remove the accelerations unless you have a very, very nice IMU that is well calibrated. That is a likely candidate source of your issues.

What imu_filter_madgwick does is to integrate the angular velocities, linear accelerations and magnetometer readings. readings to obtain an orientation estimate.

Your robot_localization config file takes into account angular velocities and linear accel from the imu, so you are double counting them. Try setting imu angular vel and linear accel to false. false. Also, remove the accelerations unless you have a very, very nice IMU that is well calibrated. That is a likely candidate source of your issues.