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How are you playing back your bag file? What command are you using? My first guess is that you aren't using --clock (or maybe it's that you are). Then you send a set_pose command, and the filter resets itself, but the filter _will not_ allow any measurements that are older than your set_pose time stamp, so all the bagged messages are ignored.

In any case, the time stamp in your set_pose publication needs to be based on the same clock as the bag.

How are you playing back your bag file? What command are you using? My first guess is that you aren't using --clock (or maybe it's that you are). Then you send a set_pose command, and the filter resets itself, but the filter _will not_ will not allow any measurements that are older than your set_pose time stamp, so all the bagged messages are ignored.

In any case, the time stamp in your set_pose publication needs to be based on the same clock as the bag.