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initial version

I add a definition in the file of calibration_publisher.cpp:

static cv::Mat CameraExtrinsicMat; static cv::Mat CameraMat; static cv::Mat DistCoeff; static cv::Size ImageSize; static std::string DistModel static cv::String DistModel_cv;

then modify the code:

fs["DistModel"] >> DistModel_cv; DistModel = DistModel_cv.operator std::string();

that is to convert cv::String to std::string, and the error is finally solved. I will test the demo next step.

I add a definition in the file of calibration_publisher.cpp:

static cv::Mat CameraExtrinsicMat;
static cv::Mat CameraMat;
static cv::Mat DistCoeff;
static cv::Size ImageSize;
static std::string DistModel
static cv::String DistModel_cv;


then modify the code:

fs["DistModel"] >> DistModel_cv;
DistModel = DistModel_cv.operator std::string();


that is to convert cv::String to std::string, and the error is finally solved. I will test the demo next step.

I add a definition in the file of calibration_publisher.cpp:

static cv::Mat CameraExtrinsicMat;
static cv::Mat CameraMat;
static cv::Mat DistCoeff;
static cv::Size ImageSize;
static std::string DistModel
static cv::String DistModel_cv;

then modify the code:

fs["DistModel"] >> DistModel_cv;
DistModel = DistModel_cv.operator std::string();

that is to convert cv::String to std::string, and the error is finally solved. I will test the demo next step.

I add a definition in the file of calibration_publisher.cpp:

static cv::Mat CameraExtrinsicMat;
static cv::Mat CameraMat;
static cv::Mat DistCoeff;
static cv::Size ImageSize;
static std::string DistModel
static cv::String DistModel_cv;

then modify the code:corresponding code to:

fs["DistModel"] >> DistModel_cv;
DistModel = DistModel_cv.operator std::string();

that is to convert cv::String to std::string, and the error is finally solved. I will test the demo next step.