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Theoretically you can estimate your pose using lidar data. That is a set of techniques called visual odometry. But it's fairly complicated and laborious task. There are a few companies (e.g. whose business is in essence localization based on lidar (and other sensors reading).

Getting your position based on GPS+IMU would be way easier to start with.

Theoretically you can estimate your pose using lidar data. data ( That is a set of techniques called visual odometry. But it's fairly complicated and laborious task. There are a few companies (e.g. whose business is in essence localization based on lidar (and other sensors reading).

Getting your position based on GPS+IMU would be way easier to start with.

Theoretically you can estimate your pose using lidar data ( data. That is a set of techniques called visual odometry. Most useful algorithm as of today - see here. But it's fairly complicated and laborious task. There are a few companies (e.g. whose business is in essence localization based on lidar (and other sensors reading).

Getting your position based on GPS+IMU would be way easier to start with.