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You don't need video. I think you'd be better off with one still image. I would implement the "camera" as a service. It would return one frame on request.

Your mechanical system of motors and holders is likely complex. It seems to me that there are six ways to hold a cube and once held you can either turn the entire cube or just one layer. I think you would want to break this down into at least two nodes One does low-level motor control and one does logical operations. The top-level node would only run when called but the low-level servo controller might need to run continuously. (I don't know if these are DC servo motors or hobby type servos)

published and subscribed messages may not be what you want. Perhaps the camera and the cube mover need to be services. the main program tells the service what to do. and it is done.

I don't see the cube solver as a machine that operates continuously, but rather as a machine that moves in steps, so maybe services?