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It looks like it's not possible to modify the installation prefix with the rosdebian generator (but you can try method below just to make sure):

But with the debian generator you can choose what is going to be the installation prefix with the --install-prefix:

However the help command does not seem to be up to date: ``` $ bloom-generate debian --help usage: bloom-generate debian [-h] [--place-template-files | --process-template-files] [--os-name OS_NAME] [--os-version OS_VERSION] [--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO] [--native] [-d] [--version] [--unsafe] [package_path]

Generates debian packaging files for a catkin package

positional arguments: package_path path to or containing the package.xml of a package

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --place-template-files places debian/* template files only --process-template-files processes templates in debian/* only --os-name OS_NAME OS name, e.g. ubuntu, debian --os-version OS_VERSION OS version or codename, e.g. precise, wheezy --ros-distro ROS_DISTRO ROS distro, e.g. indigo, kinetic, lunar, melodic (used for rosdep) --native generate native package

global: -d, --debug enable debug messages --version prints the bloom version --unsafe Makes bloom faster, but if there is an error then you could run into trouble.


It looks like it's not possible to modify the installation prefix with the rosdebian generator (but you can try method below just to make sure):

But with the debian generator you can choose what is going to be the installation prefix with the --install-prefix:

However the help command does not seem to be up to date: ``` date:

$ bloom-generate debian --help
usage: bloom-generate debian [-h]
                             [--place-template-files | --process-template-files]
                             [--os-name OS_NAME] [--os-version OS_VERSION]
                             [--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO] [--native] [-d]
                             [--version] [--unsafe]

[package_path] Generates debian packaging files for a catkin package

package positional arguments: package_path path to or containing the package.xml of a package

package optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --place-template-files places debian/* template files only --process-template-files processes templates in debian/* only --os-name OS_NAME OS name, e.g. ubuntu, debian --os-version OS_VERSION OS version or codename, e.g. precise, wheezy --ros-distro ROS_DISTRO ROS distro, e.g. indigo, kinetic, lunar, melodic (used for rosdep) --native generate native package

package global: -d, --debug enable debug messages --version prints the bloom version --unsafe Makes bloom faster, but if there is an error then you could run into trouble.



It looks like it's not possible to modify the installation prefix with the rosdebian generator (but you can try method below just to make sure):

But with the debian generator you can choose what is going to be the installation prefix with the --install-prefix: (update 20200603 by @130s permalink)

However the help command does not seem to be up to date:

$ bloom-generate debian --help
usage: bloom-generate debian [-h]
                             [--place-template-files | --process-template-files]
                             [--os-name OS_NAME] [--os-version OS_VERSION]
                             [--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO] [--native] [-d]
                             [--version] [--unsafe]

Generates debian packaging files for a catkin package

positional arguments:
  package_path          path to or containing the package.xml of a package

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        places debian/* template files only
                        processes templates in debian/* only
  --os-name OS_NAME     OS name, e.g. ubuntu, debian
  --os-version OS_VERSION
                        OS version or codename, e.g. precise, wheezy
  --ros-distro ROS_DISTRO
                        ROS distro, e.g. indigo, kinetic, lunar, melodic (used
                        for rosdep)
  --native              generate native package

  -d, --debug           enable debug messages
  --version             prints the bloom version
  --unsafe              Makes bloom faster, but if there is an error then you
                        could run into trouble.