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You can use this the same way you would any other lidar. You just need to look at the specifications of what you need (a TF tree, laser scans coming through expected topics).

You can launch the laser node and see what the topics are, then see what Nav2D expects and reconfigure to use it. Assuming the rest of your robot has a description file to make the relevant transforms and its odometry updates TF, it should just work out of the box.

You can use this the same way you would any other lidar. You just need to look at the specifications of what you need (a TF tree, laser scans coming through expected topics).

You can launch the laser node and see what the topics are, then see what Nav2D expects and reconfigure to use it. Assuming the rest of your robot has a description file to make the relevant transforms and its odometry updates TF, it should just work out of the box.