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Ok, don't ask me why, but it somehow runs now.

I did many things: downloaded a couple of other packages, tried them, removed them, catkin_make from stretch, tried them again, ...

finally a was ready to program everything myself just to see that the actual error is. i tried a very simple example of the cv_bridge since i need to read the images in openCV and also report them back to ROS. The example failed since i hadn't cv_bridge ?!?!

added cb_bridge to the catkin_ws. Finally, as the example was working and i was able to draw a circle in the image and display it in rviz, i tried the aruco again and guess what, the code ran the first time till the point where a camera frame is needed. Well from there on it was just a peace of cake, add a frame, get the image, try a marker and be happy like i wasn't for a couple of weeks as the coordinate frame was added to the image by the aruco code.

So, sorry for everybody else coming across this problem, i can't tell you what causes the error. But maybe just cv_bridge is missing ...