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Please post full sample messages for every sensor input.

Just looking at your config and the frame_ids you posted, I can make the following recommendations:

  1. Your odometry frame_id should not be in the base_link frame. The pose data should be in a world-fixed frame (e.g., odom).
  2. Get rid of the rejection thresholds. Those are advanced parameters that should be avoided until the system is behaving the way you want.

But I can't say much more without sample messages. Downloading and reviewing bags is time-consuming, so it would help me a great deal if you could post some sample messages.

Please post full sample messages for every sensor input.

Just looking at your config and the frame_ids you posted, I can make the following recommendations:

  1. Your odometry frame_id should not be in the base_link frame. The pose data should be in a world-fixed frame (e.g., odom).). The child_frame_id is fine.
  2. Get rid of the rejection thresholds. Those are advanced parameters that should be avoided until the system is behaving the way you want.

But I can't say much more without sample messages. Downloading and reviewing bags is time-consuming, so it would help me a great deal if you could post some sample messages.