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Apologies if I take your intent wrong, but defining environmental variables upon upstart is discussed in clearpathrobotics/robot_upstart#44. So as far as you successfully define env vars that way, you should be able to reference to them in your launch files in the way you mentioned.

Apologies if I take your intent wrong, but defining environmental variables upon upstart is discussed in clearpathrobotics/robot_upstart#44. (and not formally documented anywhere AFAICT). So as far as you successfully define env vars that way, you should be able to reference to them in your launch files in the way you mentioned.

Apologies if I take your intent wrong, but defining environmental variables upon upstart is discussed in clearpathrobotics/robot_upstart#44 (and not formally documented anywhere AFAICT). So as far as you successfully define env vars that way, you should be able to reference to them in your launch files in the way you mentioned.

CC @mikepurvis