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Yes, but to keep fake laser scans like on turtlebot, you would need to use stereo_img_proc and disparity_to_depth to create a depth image (similar to this setup), so that you can use your stereo camera like a rgb-d camera (use rgb/depth inputs of rtabmap) and create the fake laser scan from it. Beware that to get a dense disparity image, a lot of texture is required in the simulated environment. You may want to simulate a RGB-D camera directly in the simulator instead.


Yes, but to keep fake laser scans like on turtlebot, you would need to use stereo_img_proc and disparity_to_depth to create a depth image (similar to this setup), so that you can use your stereo camera like a rgb-d camera (use rgb/depth inputs of rtabmap) and create the fake laser scan from it. Beware that to get a dense disparity image, a lot of texture is required in the simulated environment. You may want to simulate a RGB-D camera directly in the simulator instead.

EDIT: As stated in the warning, make sure these topics are published:

$ rostopic hz /stereo_camera/left/image_rect
$ rostopic hz /stereo_camera/depth
$ rostopic hz /stereo_camera/left/camera_info
$ rostopic hz /scan
