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Well, I have programmed a SCARA using the controller, and then invoke the programs and in the controller from my ros node.

So basically if you are doing a pick and place action, you program your overall action and break into several programs like 1. Goto overhead position 1 (program1) 2. Pick from the table (program2) 3. Goto overhead position 1 (program3) 4. Got overhead position 2 (program4) 5. Place on the table (program5) 6. Retract to home (program6) and save these program in your controller with the respective name. Using TCP protocol and read the manual to find out which commands you want to use to send in signals from your computer to the Yamaha controller to invoke your programs.

Now write a state machine in your chose language which would invoke this programs. Run the state machine in the ROS. You can use actionlib for performing the same. Put the Yamaha into AUTO mode when you are sending a command from your ROS interface using your TCP socket bridge.

Well, I have programmed a SCARA using the controller, and then invoke the programs and stored in the controller from my ros node. node using tcp communication

So basically if you are doing a pick and place action, you program your overall action and break into several programs like 1. Goto overhead position 1 (program1) 2. Pick from the table (program2) 3. Goto overhead position 1 (program3) 4. Got overhead position 2 (program4) 5. Place on the table (program5) 6. Retract to home (program6) and save these program in your controller with the respective name. Using TCP protocol and read the manual to find out which commands you want to use to send in signals from your computer to the Yamaha controller to invoke your programs.

Now write a state machine in your chose language which would invoke this programs. Run the state machine in the ROS. You can use actionlib for performing the same. Put the Yamaha into AUTO mode when you are sending a command from your ROS interface using your TCP socket bridge. bridge.