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Revision history [back]

click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

The binary version of Flexible Collision Library,, was incompatible with my processors; we think it requires a processor with an 'avx' flag for vector processing.

The fix was to rebuild libfcl from source. I cloned and built from, using branch origin/fcl-0.5 (master branch builds to 0.6.0, which fails with the moveit binaries). Summary of steps:

fetch source code

git clone
git checkout origin/fcl-0.5

Build as described at

Re-point symlink:

sudo ln -f -s [local fcl repo location]/build/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

The binary version of Flexible Collision Library,, was incompatible with my processors; we think it requires a processor with an 'avx' flag for vector processing.

The fix was to rebuild libfcl from source. I cloned and built from, using branch origin/fcl-0.5 (master branch builds to 0.6.0, which fails with the moveit binaries). Summary of steps:

fetch source code

git clone
git checkout origin/fcl-0.5

Build as described at

Re-point symlink:

sudo ln -f -s [local fcl repo location]/build/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
