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Not an answer, but: libsbp-release is a Bloom *release repository`, not intended to be build in a normal Catkin workspace, but used by the ROS buildfarm to build Debian/Fedora/Whatever pkgs from.

Not really an answer, but: libsbp-release is a Bloom *release repository`, release repository, which is not intended to be build in a normal Catkin workspace, but to be used by the ROS buildfarm to build Debian/Fedora/Whatever pkgs packages from.

That said, it looks like you could reuse the package.xml and CMakeLists.txt from the skeleton packages included in that repository in combination with a source checkout of swift-nav/libsbp.

I don't get why you have problems with the install(..) directives in the CMakeLists.txt though: if you don't run a catkin_make install or configure catkin_tools to install things, that part of the CMakeLists.txt should be ignored.

I'm not sure about the interaction with the Makefile in swift-nav/libsbp though, so perhaps that could be doing strange things in your catkin workspace.