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Hi, Dr Abdul Mannan

Maybe I know your problem. According to your terminal's warning informations, I think you use the distribution of ROS is Jade or Kinetic, and the problem is just on the distribution of ROS. Firstly, I am using the Indigo, and I use the following command no any problem.

$> roslaunch mastering_ros_robot_description_pkg view_arm.launch

So according to your error information, I find the following lines in the seven_dof_arm.xacro:

screenshot from 2016-09-08 20 46 18

As mentioned by error, I also don't find the definition of macro base. For example, if you are coding by using C++, you need call a function, but the function is not defined and implemented yet, the compiler must report a error. So solution is commenting out these lines:

screenshot from 2016-09-08 21 11 28

As for why indigo can run, I think the checked mechanism of indigo's xacro is less than Jade or Kinetic.

In addition to the error, there are warning informations on the terminal. If you visit Xacro wiki, you can find the xacro of Jade or Kinetic has more enhanced functionality and more limits than that of Indigo. So for the cause of warning, you can get by running xacro with option --check-order on the terminal just like

 $> roscd mastering_ros_robot_description_pkg
 $> rosrun xacro --check-order urdf/seven_dof_arm.xacro

Last, according to the warning informations, I think the solution is here: Deprecated Syntax