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initial version

Buried (deep in the catkin documentation)[] there is a note that after calling catkin_pacakge(), the package version is available as a cmake variable that is named after your package: <packagename>_VERSION

You could make this available to C++ code using the add_definitions cmake command, like:

    # any arguments to catkin_package here


This uses the -D option to the compiler, which is equivalent to a #define.

You could use the version in your code as a string, for example:

ROS_INFO("Package version is %s", mypackage_VERSION); // replace mypackage with your package name

Buried (deep deep in the catkin documentation)[] documentation there is a note that after calling catkin_pacakge(), the package version is available as a cmake variable that is named after your package: <packagename>_VERSION

You could make this available to C++ code using the add_definitions cmake command, like:

    # any arguments to catkin_package here


This uses the -D option to the compiler, which is equivalent to a #define.

You could use the version in your code as a string, for example:

ROS_INFO("Package version is %s", mypackage_VERSION); // replace mypackage with your package name