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It would be great if rviz had a set of topics and services for controlling all aspects of the user interface to the same ability manual clicking does. But short of that you can create a custom rviz render panel using librviz . Any rviz plugin can be added with createDisplay(), and then any property that is normally available through the ui can be changed with subProp()- and you could then hook up your own subscribers to change those properties. It's a bit of work but you can get exactly what you want.

It would be great if rviz had a set of topics and services for controlling all aspects of the user interface to the same ability manual clicking does. But short of that you can create a custom rviz render panel using librviz . or for python.

Any rviz plugin can be added with createDisplay(), and then any property that is normally available through the ui can be changed with subProp()- and you could then hook up your own subscribers or services to change those properties. It's a bit of work but you can get exactly what you