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If there isn't an easier way I'm thinking I should create a python wrapper that takes a shell script as a parameter, and passes rospy.get_namespace() as a parameter to the script, or sets ROS_NAMESPACE for it as suggested above.

Launch the script with subprocess maybe like one of the scripts in

TODO actually make this work and fill in the details here.

If there isn't an easier way I'm thinking I should create a python wrapper that takes a shell script as a parameter, and passes rospy.get_namespace() as a parameter to the script, or sets ROS_NAMESPACE for it as suggested above.

Launch the script with subprocess maybe like one of the scripts

   <group ns="nest">
      <node name="wrap_shell_script" pkg="testbot_utils" type="" 
        <param name="pkg" value="testbot_utils" />
        <param name="script" value="" />
        <param name="test_param" value="have_correct_namespace" />

And the wrapper script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import subprocess


# TODO get other script arguments?
#namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
# assume the shell script only wants private params
namespace = rospy.get_name()

script = rospy.get_param("~script")
pkg    = rospy.get_param("~pkg")'ROS_NAMESPACE=' + namespace + ' rosrun ' + pkg + ' ' + script, shell=True)

So there the wrapper assumes the script will only want private params when it does a rosparam get, and the script can't use params named pkg or script because they are in

TODO actually make this work and fill in the details here.

the same namespace.

If there isn't an easier way I'm thinking I should create made a python wrapper that takes a shell script as a parameter, and passes rospy.get_namespace() as a parameter to the script, or sets ROS_NAMESPACE for it as suggested above.

   <group ns="nest">
      <node name="wrap_shell_script" pkg="testbot_utils" type="" 
        <param name="pkg" value="testbot_utils" />
        <param name="script" value="" />
        <param name="test_param" value="have_correct_namespace" />

And the wrapper script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import subprocess


# TODO get other script arguments?
#namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
# assume the shell script only wants private params
namespace = rospy.get_name()

script = rospy.get_param("~script")
pkg    = rospy.get_param("~pkg")'ROS_NAMESPACE=' + namespace + ' rosrun ' + pkg + ' ' + script, shell=True)

So there the wrapper assumes the script will only want private params when it does a rosparam get, and the script can't use params named pkg or script because they are in the same namespace.

I made a python wrapper that takes a shell script as a parameter, and passes launches the script int the rospy.get_name() namespace (or should it optionally do rospy.get_namespace() as a parameter to the script, or sets ROS_NAMESPACE for it as suggested above.?) .

   <group ns="nest">
      <node name="wrap_shell_script" pkg="testbot_utils" type="" 
        <param name="pkg" value="testbot_utils" />
        <param name="script" value="" />
        <param name="test_param" value="have_correct_namespace" />

And the wrapper script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import subprocess


# TODO get other script arguments?
#namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
# assume the shell script only wants private params
namespace = rospy.get_name()

script = rospy.get_param("~script")
pkg    = rospy.get_param("~pkg")'ROS_NAMESPACE=' + namespace + ' rosrun ' + pkg + ' ' + script, shell=True)

So there the wrapper assumes the script will only want private params when it does a rosparam get, and the script can't use params named pkg or script because they are in the same namespace.