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answered 2015-10-08 07:28:42 -0500

joq gravatar image

Some things to check:

  • Did you build your workspace after cloning the source?

  • Did you source devel/setup.bash from the workspace after building it?

Some things to check:

  • Did you build your workspace after cloning the source?

  • Did you source devel/setup.bash from the workspace after building it?

UPDATE: this is a catkin package, you don't build it with rosmake. Instead:

$ cd ~/ros_workspace
$ catkin_make
$ source build/setup.bash

After that you can run the program.

Some things to check:

  • Did you build your workspace after cloning the source?

  • Did you source devel/setup.bash from the workspace after building it?

UPDATE: this is a catkin package, you don't build it with rosmake. Instead:

$ cd ~/ros_workspace
$ catkin_make
$ source build/setup.bash

After that you can run the program.