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You need the tf link for rviz that it knows, where the laserscanner/kinect is in his coordinate system to display measured points in 3D space.

Check the frame_id in the laserscan message and set Fixed frame to the frame_id and you should see your laserscan centered in rviz. it will stay there and any tf connected to will move arround, if it changes. Inside the laserscan message there is no tf. You just have arrays to show in which angle you messure which distance.

Maybe you will need to generate a tf from your robot to the kinect later.



You need the tf link for rviz that it knows, where the laserscanner/kinect is in his coordinate system to display measured points in 3D space.

Check the frame_id in the laserscan message and set Fixed frame (rviz) to the frame_id and you should see your laserscan centered in rviz. it will stay there and any tf connected to will move arround, if it changes. Inside the laserscan message there is no tf. You just have arrays to show in which angle you messure which distance.

Maybe you will need to generate a tf from your robot to the kinect later.



You need the tf link for rviz that it knows, where the laserscanner/kinect is in his coordinate system to display measured points in 3D space.

Check the frame_id in the laserscan message and set Fixed frame (rviz) to the frame_id and you should see your laserscan centered in rviz. it It will stay there and any tf connected to will move arround, if it changes. Inside the laserscan message there is no tf. You just have arrays to show in which angle you messure which distance.

Maybe you will need to generate a tf from your robot to the kinect later.

