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1 | initial version |
hi ,there,you package find in not correct, moveit in not the package name,you need to find the package in the following such as:
moveit_fake_controller_manager moveit_ros_planning_interface
moveit_msgs moveit_ros_robot_interaction
moveit_planners_ompl moveit_ros_visualization
moveit_ros_benchmarks moveit_ros_warehouse
moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui moveit_setup_assistant
moveit_ros_manipulation moveit_simple_controller_manager
moveit_ros_move_group moveit_visual_tools
2 | No.2 Revision |
hi ,there,you package find in not correct, moveit in is not the package name,you need to find the package in the following such as:
moveit_fake_controller_manager moveit_ros_planning_interface
moveit_msgs moveit_ros_robot_interaction
moveit_planners_ompl moveit_ros_visualization
moveit_ros_benchmarks moveit_ros_warehouse
moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui moveit_setup_assistant
moveit_ros_manipulation moveit_simple_controller_manager
moveit_ros_move_group moveit_visual_tools
3 | No.3 Revision |
hi ,there,you package find in is not correct, moveit is not the package name,you need to find the package in the following such as:
moveit_fake_controller_manager moveit_ros_planning_interface
moveit_msgs moveit_ros_robot_interaction
moveit_planners_ompl moveit_ros_visualization
moveit_ros_benchmarks moveit_ros_warehouse
moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui moveit_setup_assistant
moveit_ros_manipulation moveit_simple_controller_manager
moveit_ros_move_group moveit_visual_tools