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play bag file using rosbag

robag play xxxxx.bag --clock

it will publish all the topics in bags file.

Write subcriber in your code to get values.

play bag file using rosbag

robag play xxxxx.bag --clock

it will publish all the topics in bags file.

Write subcriber in your code to get values.

check this for more info

play bag file using rosbag

robag play xxxxx.bag --clock

it will publish all the topics in bags file.

Write subcriber in your code to get values.

check this for more info


ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("imu", 1000, &imuCallback, this);    

void Callback(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr& msg)

    double lax = msg->linear_acceleration.x;
    double lay = msg->linear_acceleration.y;
    double laz= msg->linear_acceleration.z;   